Ecumenical Marian Pilgrimage Trust
Pilgrimage with Mary to Christian Unity
2025 Pilgrimage to Walsingham - Nicaea at 1700 - 325-2025
11th to 14th March 2025
- Catholic Sung Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of Walsingham
- Akathist Hymn to the Mother of God
- Anglican Pontifical Sung Eucharist
- Eastern Orthodox Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
- Holy Communion at the Methodist Church
- Ecumenical Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Visits to the Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox Churches and Shrines
- Daily Anglican Eucharist and Catholic Mass
- Sprinkling at the Shrine Well and Visits to the Holy House.
- Further details are to be confirmed.
The pilgrimage fee is £345 full board from Tuesday evening dinner to after Friday lunch, or £60 for non-residents. Accommodation (accessible) is at the Anglican Shrine. A seat on the coach from and to Kings Lynn to meet Kings Cross trains is available at an additional cost of £40 per person return. Here is the brochure to read, download or print off. Bookings can be made in two ways. Either -
1. Fill in this online form and pay for your ticket, or deposit, or balance (and coach ticket, if required) at our Neartail booking site.
2. Print off the brochure and return the form with a cheque as indicated, or make your payment by direct transfer from your bank.
It is essential in both cases that you send us your contact details, dietary and accessible accommodation needs.
2024 Pilgrimage to Walsingham
5th to 8th March 2024
- Catholic Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of Walsingham, Bishop Peter Collins of East Anglia
- Akathist Hymn to the Mother of God, Archpriest Stephen Platt
- Anglican Sung Eucharist, Bishop Paul Thomas of Oswestry
- Methodist Eucharist, Prebenday Norman Wallwork and the Revd Dr Richard Clutterbuck
- Orthodox Divine Liturgy, Archpriest Stephen Platt, General-Secretary, Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius
- The Rosary Books: Walsingham 100 - Fr Philip Corbett
- T. S. Gregory: The Newman of Methodism - Prebendary Norman Wallwork
- Dr Daniel Dolley - the Fatherhood of God
- Dr Chris Maunder - Mary in the Origins of Christianity
- The Mother of God in Rosaries and Chaplets East and West: Basil Youdell
- Ecumenical Office Of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Visits to the Catholic and Anglican Parish Churches, the Orthodox Monastery
- Daily Anglican Eucharist and Roman Catholic Mass
- Sprinkling at the Shrine Well and Visit to the Holy House
2019 Pilgrimage to Walsingham
19th to 22nd March 2019
- Catholic Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of Walsingham, Archbishop Edward Adams, Apostolic Nuncio
- Akathist Hymn & Liturgy of the Presanctified, Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia
- Methodist Eucharist, Revd Canon Gareth Powell
- Anglican Sung Eucharist, Bishop Jonathan Goodall
- Mike Russell
- Paul Hurst, Photographer
- Eleanor Jackson, Woodbrooke Quaker Centre
- Prebendary Norman Wallwork on Dr Orchard's Eucharistic Rite at the King's Weighouse Chapel - Centenary Year
- Professor Frances Young, University of Birmingham
- Sprinkling at the Shrine Well
- Visits to the Parish Church, Orthodox Churches, Catholic Church of the Annunciation
- Daily Eucharist & Orthodox Services
- The Akathist Hymn
2018 Day Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Willesden
Saturday 5th May
- 11 am Mass at the Catholic Shrine, Nicoll Road, NW10 9AX. Preacher, Fr Mark Woodruff: Mary, Mother of the Church
- History of the Catholic Shrine & Devotions, Fr Stephen Willis, Rector
- 1215 pm Harlesden Methodist Church. Ecumenical Office of the BVM, The Revd Adam Stevenson
- Talk by the Minister, Revd Leao Neto, on PIlgrimage, Rome and Catholic-Methodist Ecumenism
- 2 pm Shrine at the Anglican Parish Church of St Mary, Willesden. Talk on the ancient History of the Shrine Site.
- Devotional talk on The Mother of God in the Johannine Tradition, Prebendary Norman Wallwork
- Sprinkling and Final Devotions, Canon Stephen Gallagher
2017 Pilgrimage to Walsingham
14th to 17th March 2017. The services and talks included:
- Sung Mass at the Catholic Basilica of Our Lady of Walsingham: Msgr John Armitage, Rector
- Sung Eucharist at the Anglican Shrine: Bishop Norman Banks of Richborough
- Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts at Holy Transfiguration Church, Great Walsingham: Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia
- Holy Communion at Walsingham Methodist Church: The Revd Sam Harris
- Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation in 1517
- Commemoration of the Apparitions at Fatima in 1917
- Commemoration of the Centenary of 1917 and the Confesssion and Martyrdom of the Churches of the Soviet Union and its allies
- Coptic Orthodox Office
- The Akathist Hymn
- Daily Catholic Mass and Anglican Eucharist
Together with:
H.E. Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia; The Theotokos in the Teaching of Vladimir Lossky; Dr Margaret Barker: The Annunciation to Mary, Weaver in the Temple; Dr Sarah Jane Boss: Deification at the Heart of Marian Devotion; Commemoration of the Reformation; Fr Philip Corbett: Centenary of the Apparition of the Virgin at Fatima; Richard Davies: Presentation - Survivors of 1917: The Wooden Churches of the Russian North; Abouna Peter Farrington: The Marian Hymns of St Severus of Antioch; Canon Jeremy Haselock: Roger Greenacre, Our Lady and Unity; Prebendary Norman Wallwork: Neville Ward and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The papers for all the above Pilgrimages are delayed for copyright reasons, but will be published together as soon as possible.
2016 Day Ecumenical Pilgrimage to Marian Oxford
With Metropolitan Kallistos, Professor Peter Davidson, & Fr John Hunwicke, visiting the Orthodox Parish of the Annunciation, Campion Hall, the University Church (Our Lady of Oxford), Wesley Memorial Church.
2015 Pilgrimage to Walsingham
The 2015 Ecumenical Pilgrimage to Walsingham took place from Tuesday 17th to Friday 20th March 2015. The services and talks arranged included:
• Sung Mass at the Catholic National Shrine: Celebrant and preacher, The Rt Revd Alan Hopes, Bishop of East Anglia
• Sung Eucharist in the Anglican Shrine Church: Celebrant and preacher, The Rt Revd Jonathan Goodall, Bishop of Ebbsfleet
• Liturgy of the Presanctified at St Seraphim's Orthodox Church, served by Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia
• Holy Communion Service at Walsingham Methodist Church: Preacher, The Revd Dr David Cornick (United Reformed Church), General Secretary of Churches Together in England
• Akathist Hymn before the Icon of the Theotokos from the Chapel of the Life-Giving Spring of the Mother of God, in the Anglican Shrine Church
• Oriental Orthodox Raising of Evening Incense
• Daily Catholic Mass and Anglican Eucharist
Together with:
H.E. Kallistos, Metropolitan of Diokleia: The Mother of God in the Theology of Vladimir Lossky and Georges Florovsky; Fr Ivan Moody (Professor of Church Music, the University of East Finland): Orthodox Church Music; Professor Morna Hooker (Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity, Cambridge, 1976-98); Fr Philip Corbett on the Marian Shrines of Catholic Japan;Sister Marie Farrell rsm: Mary Mother of God - in the Australian Aboriginal Image; Fr George Joy: The Mother of God in Indian Orthodox Church Life and Devotion; Prebendary Norman Wallwork: God Incarnate in the Hymns of Charles Wesley.
The talks have been published in Mary Bearer of the Eternal Word. Each pilgrim received a complimentary copy.
2014 Day Pilgrimage to Egmanton and Newark
On Saturday 17th May we visited Newark on Trent and Egmanton. Beginning at St Giles’ Church, Cromwell, where several generations of Fynes-Clintons were rectors, including the grandfather of Fr Henry Joy Fynes-Clinton, who played a significant role in restoring the Shrine at Walsingham, we went on to the Church of St Mary the Virgin at Egmanton, close to which is the Lady Wood, where the Mother of God appeared to a local woman in Saxon times, as at Walsingham. The long suppressed devotion revived after the Church was restored by Sir Ninian Comper in 1897, who designed a new Image of Our Lady for the patron, the 7th Duke of Newcastle, a relative of Fr Fynes-Clinton. We were welcomed by Fr Christopher Levy, the Rector, who spoke about the Church and Pilgrimage.
Next we visited the Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity at Newark, with its shrine of Our Lady in reparation for the dissolution of the Observant Franciscan Friary of Newark and the martyrdom of Fr Henry Lytherland, vicar of Newark, under Henry VIII, where Fr Michael O'Donoghue, the parish priest spoke on Our Lady and the Martyrs of Newark. In the afternoon we went to the magnificent parish Church of St Mary Magdalene, with its Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, and ended the day at the historic Barnby Gate Methodist Church, founded by John Wesley.
2013 Pilgrimage to Walsingham
The 2013 Ecumenical Pilgrimage to Walsingham took place from Tuesday 12th to Friday 15th March 2013. The addresses and presentations were published in Mary, Mirror of all Virtues, and include:
- H.E. Kallistos, Metropolitan of Diokleia: The Akathist to Mary Mother of God
- Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham: Homily at the Catholic Pilgrimage Mass
- Bishop Jonathan Baker of Fulham: Homily at the Anglican Pilgimage Mass
- Bishop Baker: Reflection on The Man Born Blind
- Dr Margaret Barker (Methodist): The Lady in The Temple
- Dr Barker: Zoodochos Pege - The Life-Receiving and Life-Giving Spring
- Fr Philip Corbett: The Annunciation
- Fr Dominic Cosslett: Mary as the Memory of the Church
- Sister Marie Farrell rsm: An Australian Mary: Ecumenism and the Mother of God
- Nick Mayhew-Smith: Britain’s Holiest Places
- The Revd Adam Stevenson: Towards a Marian Theology of Place
- The Revd Mark Rowland: "Rejoice, never silent Voice of the Apostles"
- The Very Revd John Salter (Patriarchal Counsellor for Ecumenical Relations of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church of Antioch, Chairman of the Society of St John Chrysostom): Fr Henry Joy Fynes-Clinton, Ecumenist of East and West
- Fr Mark Woodruff: The Mother of the Vine
- Esme Howard: The Howards and their Church at Heron's Ghyll (from the 2012 Day Pilgrimage)
- Nigel McNeill: Buxted - Nazareth in Sussex (from the 2012 Day Pilgrimage)
2012 Day Pilgrimage to Buxted & Heron's Ghyll
On Saturday 19th May we arranged a day pilgrimate to the "Nazareth of Sussex", the Anglican Church of St Mary the Virgin at Buxted. With its associations with Fr Hope-Patten, later of Walsingham, it has a Holy House Chapel built by Fr Wagner - well-known for his work in building many churches in Brighton.
We also visited the Roman Catholic Church of St John at nearby Heron's Ghyll, built through the munificence of the then Duke of Norfolk and consecrated by Archbishop Amigo of Southwark in 1904. The following talks are included in our book, Mary, Mirror of All Virtues (see above for details):
- Talk by Mr Esme Howard about St John's, Heron's Ghyll, and the Howards, followed by time to explore.
- Talk by Nigel McNeill about the Holy House at St Mary's Church, Buxted
2011 Pilgrimage to Walsingham
Our fifth biennial Pilgrimage took place in Walsingham, Tuesday 15 to Friday 18 March 2011.
The speakers and contributors were:
- HE the Most Revd Kallistos, Kallistos of Diokleia, Ecumenical Patriarchate
- The Rt Revd Michael Evans, Catholic Bishop of East Anglia
- The Rt Revd Christopher Cocksworth, Anglican Bishop of Coventry
- The Rt Revd Robert Ladds, retired Anglican Bishop of Whitby
- The Rt Revd Lindsay Urwin, Administrator of the Anglican Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham
- The Revd John Baggley, Iconographer, Catholic
- Dr Margaret Barker, Temple Studies Group, Methodist
- The Revd Dr Dee Dyas, Director of the Christianity & Culture Centre, Anglican
- Mr Nigel Kerry, Director of Music, Our Lady & English Martyrs' Catholic Church, Cambridge and the Petrucci Ensemble
- The Revd George Hackney, Orthodox
- The Revd Michael Rear, author of Our Lady of Walsingham: The Shrine in History, Catholic
- The Revd Abba Shenouda Asham Shenouda, Coptic Orthodox Cathedral of St George, Stevenage
- The Revd Prebendary Norman Wallwork, Methodist
- The Revd Mark Woodruff, Catholic
Mary in Pilgrimage
The fourth volume in the "Prospects of Mary" series contains most of the above talks given at the Ecumenical Pilgrimage at Walsingham in March 2011.
Contents include: Dr Margaret Barker [Mary and the Temple], The Rt Revd Christopher Cocksworth, Bishop of Coventry [Evangelical Mary], The Rt Revd Robert Ladds [Walsingham: the Holy House], Sister Camilla Oberding COLW [Our Lady of Walsingham and her significance for our times], Fr Michael Rear [The Image of Our Lady of Walsingham], Abba Shenouda, Coptic Orthodox [The Coptic Church and People in History], The Rt Revd Lindsay Urwin, formerly Bishop of Horsham and present Administrator of the Anglican Shrine [Incarnation and Atonement], Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia [The Blessed Virgin as Mother of God: the meaning of the title Theotokos], Fr Mark Woodruff [Early Irish Devotion to Christ in His Passion] - c 100 pp, A4 Format.
All pilgrims received a free copy of the addresses, devotional talks and homilies in December 2011. Others may purchase a copy for £12 including p&p on application in writing to:
Publications Editor
Ecumenical Marian Pilgrimage Trust
26 Daysbrook Road
2010 Day Pilgrimage to Evesham
Our 2010 day pilgrimage took place on Saturday 8th May 2010 in honour of Our Lady of Evesham, Worcestershire, from 12 noon.Pilgrimage to Our Lady at Evesham began in the 8th century, following her appearance in the forest in 701 to Eoves, the herdsman of St Egwin, third Bishop of Worcester, to whom she also appeared. St Egwin founded a Benedictine monastery in honour of the Mother of God in 714, which he personally oversaw until his death in 717.
Its fame and endowment rendered it vulnerable to raids from Danes and it declined in the 10th century. In 941 the few remaining monks were ejected, to be replaced by secular canons. But in 960, St Dunstan and St Ethelwold, brought the Benedictines back as part of their reform of English monasticism. The Church was said to have been rebuilt at this time by Lady Godiva. The monastery prospered under the Normans and grew to be one of the largest in Europe, a great centre of pilgrimage and a founder in turn of monasteries elsewhere in England and Europe. Had the Church survived the Abbey's Dissolution at the beginning of the English Reformation, it would be larger than St Paul's Cathedral.
The pilgrimage began with Mass at the Roman Catholic Church of St Mary and St Egwin, led by Fr Christopher Draycott, followed by prayers at the Shrine there, restored after the Second World War. Then we visited the new bronze statue in the Market Place recalling Eove's vision (right). After lunch and prayers in the sumptuous Lichfield Chapel of All Saints' Anglican Church, led by Metropolitan Kallistos, Helen Poper and John Turner made a presentation on Eoves' Vision and St Egwin's foundation at Evesham Abbey. Following a tour of the remains of the Abbey grounds, we were warmly received by the Methodist Minister, The Revd Caroline Homan, for the Evening Office of the Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary which she led and preached at in her church nearby.
The 2008 Day Pilgrimage was to the Shrine of Our Lady of Caversham and Reading Abbey.
